Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Orly's Megapixel FX Collection

This collection from Orly has 6 polishes.  Its a 3D polish that has a textured finish a lot like the OPI Sand collection.  The names of the polishes are Rose Pixel, Aqua Pixel, Silver Pixel, Black Pixel, Plum Pixel, and Pink Pixel.  The names completely describe the colors of each polish.  The 3 from the collection that I have a called Rose Pixel, Aqua Pixel, and Silver Pixel.  Right now they are buy 2 get 1 free at Ulta or you can go directly to the Orly website and buy them there.

Silver Pixel (L) Rose Pixel, Aqua Pixel (R)
I love these polishes along with all of my Orly polishes.  They wear great and last a long time.   Pick them up while they last because I'm not sure if they will be included in the permanent collection.
Thanks for reading :)

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