Thursday, October 10, 2013

Maybelline Vintage Leather 2013 collection on CLEARANCE!!

I just wanted to write a quick post in case a few people were interested in picking up these polishes before they were sold out.  The Maybelline Vintage Leather nail polish collection is on clearance at Rite Aid for $1.99.  I just picked up Plush Plum and will let you know what I think when I get home from work and do a review.  Some people say it peels and crackles but we will see.  I tend to only wear polish for a few days so if it peels after that it wont bother me especially for the clearance price.  It is a matte polish made to look like leather but you can put a top coat on and it will make it glossy.  The new trend is to do nail art that's part matte, part with a top coat and you can very easily do that with these polishes.

Plush Plum
Thanks for reading :)

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